
Request for Proposal

You are invited to bid on this new opportunity for weekly pickup and delivery for dry cleaning, laundering and alterations of store-employee uniforms at Coach. You may enter your bid in the form at the bottom of this page based on the information regarding location, frequency and types of items.

All bids must be submitted as soon as possible. Pricing must be effective through December 31, 2017. Winning bidders will be notified no later than January 23, 2017. Winning bidders will receive a package of detailed information from Worksmith regarding this client, location(s) to be serviced and service request prior to starting the service. 

The client requests that you provide your best bids for the following items for dry cleaning and alterations:

  1. Dry clean blazer
  2. Launder shirt
  3. Shorten skirt/dress 
  4. Shorten pants/jacket sleeves

Please remember to take the Worksmith platform fee into account when setting your prices for this bid. As a reminder, the Worksmith platform fee is 25% of your list price. As an example, if you propose to charge the customer $10 for a particular item, Worksmith will handle all billings, collections, and first-line customer service, keeping $2.50 as its platform fee and remitting $7.50 to you as per the Local Provider Agreement. Worksmith handles all sales tax as well, collecting sales tax from the client and remitting to the appropriate agencies. You will send your invoice directly to Worksmith at the end of each month, and you will receive payment on Net 45 day terms.

If you have any questions, please email them to 

By clicking "Submit" above, you agree to the Service Agreement with this client if your bid should be approved.