Summary Of Vendor Bids For Your Approval:  Store Cleaning, Window Cleaning, & Porter Services


This page contains a number of different sections, as follows...

  • Section A provides an overview of the vendor sourcing and bidding process Worksmith employed on Nespresso's behalf.
  • Section B recaps the requirements that were provided to the bidding vendors.
  • Section C is a summary form through which Nespresso can review vendor bids and make vendor selections.

SECTION A -- Overview

A.1  Bid Sourcing Process Overview

  • Vendor Network:  Worksmith distributed the requirements and scope provided by Nespresso for Store Cleaning, Window Cleaning, and Porter Services, for 11 Nespresso Boutique Locations to over 100 Commercial Cleaning local service providers in Worksmith's vendor network.
  • Timeline:  Whereas March 25, 2016 was originally given as the deadline for bid submission, Worksmith extended the deadline for certain locations in order deliver to Nespresso a full slate of vendor options for all specified locations.  Note that for some locations, certain desired vendors have indicated that they are still considering making a bid.  Should those bidders follow through on their commitment, you will be updated of additional vendor options by location and this page will be updated accordingly.
  • Pricing:  Please note that Worksmith requested bidders to submit their prices on a "per clean" or "per visit" basis, by service, and by location, in response to the location-specific requirements provided by Nespresso.  We concluded that soliciting bids on a least-common-denominator basis would enable easy comparison between vendors and would allow you to model the impact of changing service frequency by service type on your projected spend vs. budgets, etc.  Moreover, vendors were advised that submitted bids must remain valid and effective through December 31, 2016.  Further, please note that the bids provided do not include applicable sales and/or use tax.  Finally, note that bids were submitted without the benefit of site surveys / walk-through examinations and may be subject to revision.
  • Next Steps:  Upon consultation with you and review of your feedback, please select your preferred vendor by service by location below.  Once selections have been made, and with your permission, Worksmith will coordinate with each of your store locations to schedule service start dates and service schedules.  Similarly, selected vendors will receive detailed information containing operational details on the Nespresso location(s) for which they have been selected.

A.2  Working With Worksmith

Upon vendor selection, Worksmith will coordinate with you to notify your Boutique Managers of Worksmith's role in managing each location's Store Cleaning, Window Cleaning, and Porter Services schedule and vendors.  Moreover, Worksmith will coordinate with each of your store locations to schedule service start dates and service schedules.  Similarly, selected vendors will receive detailed information containing operational details on the Nespresso location(s) for which they have been selected.  Finally, Worksmith will also provide Nespresso Boutique Managers with training, as necessary, on how to submit feedback, inquiries, and service requests to the Worksmith Customer Success Team.  

At the end of each month, the Worksmith Platform will automatically retrieve receipts from the various vendors for the services rendered, compile those receipts into a detailed invoice, and send consolidated invoices, by service, and by location to Nespresso's AP team.  Payment terms are due upon receipt, so that Worksmith can then distribute the proceeds to each of the selected vendors in a timely manner.

SECTION B -- Requirements & Scope (As Provided To Vendors)

B.1  Requirements & Scope Summary

B.2  General Requirements

  • You must use only "green" cleaning agents that have the same efficacy as "non-green" cleaning agents.
  • Before commencing service, you must provide Worksmith with a complete listing of all cleaning agents to be used along with Material Safety Data Sheets for each cleaning agent.
  • Whereas Porter Services will likely be scheduled during normal store operating hours, assume that Store Cleaning and Window Cleaning will be executed after normal store operating hours.  Please price accordingly.

B.3  Cleaning Scope Of Work By Area & Frequency

B.4  Porter Service Scope Of Work By Location & Frequency

  • Certain Nespresso locations, as noted below, require "Porter Services" on a weekly basis, on typically high traffic days (e.g. weekends or holidays).
  • You will be required to provide an energetic, friendly, and presentable staff member on specified and scheduled days.
  • Provided staff members must be dressed entirely in black clothes to match the aesthetic of our client's own retail uniforms.
  • Porter duties will typically include, but are not limited to ongoing restroom cleaning, spot clean-ups of food service area spills, dish washer loading and unloading, and manual dish-washing as required.

SECTION C -- Summary Of Vendor Bids By Location

Please note the following abbreviations used below...

  • "SC-PPC" refers to "Store Cleaning Price Per Clean/Visit".
  • "WC-PPC" refers to "Window Cleaning Price Per Clean/Visit".
  • "PS-PPH" refers to "Porter Service Price Per Hour".

By clicking "I Approve" above, you agree to the Service Agreement between you and your selected vendors.